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Prášková glazura DL20 Floating Blue - 1kg
(celé balení 4,44 kg)t, VT=1200-1250°C
(DL) Dipping And Layering The Dipping and Layering glazes are new, easy-to-use mid-range dry dipping glazes that were designed to be dipped and layered with ease. These glaze colors are inspired by popular layering colors from the Potter's Choice glaze series. Quick mixing! Pre-measured, dry dipping materials. Simply add one gallon of distilled water per 1 bag of dry materials! Each glaze bag produces roughly 1.25 gallons or at least 10 pints worth of glaze! The glazes are perfect for the studio or classroom! Easy application and faster than brushing with consistent and reliable results!
Apply to... Cone 04 Bisqueware
Dip Duration? 1-3 seconds
Fire to... Cone 5 - Cone 6
Food safe? Yes, all Dipping and Layering glazes hold a food safety status.
How much glaze does each bag produce? At least 10 pints or 1.25 gallons.
Before glazing, we recommend conducting a test dip. Conduct a test dip by submerging a sample piece into the glaze mixture. Doing so helps you assess the glaze thickness and compatibility with your bisque materials.
We recommend dipping your pieces for 1-3 seconds.
Tips & Tricks
USE DISTILLED WATER - Why? Variability of tap water may cause unfavorable results. We recommend mixing one package of dry glaze to ensure enough depth for dipping. For best results, mix with a drill mixer attachment and sieve glaze through an 80-mesh screen and let sit overnight.
Product code : 7984
Price with VAT :
21,80 € / kgPrice without VAT : 18,02 €
Unit of measure : kg
Weight * : 1.0 kg
Delivery date :
In stock 2.55 kg
Safety Data Sheet » Technical data sheet »
* The weight is for reference only, it is used to determine the price for postage.Práškové glazury DL
Teplota výpalu:1180-1280°C
Glazuru nanášíme přežahnutý střep (výrobek)
Glazuru rozmícháme ve vodě 24 hodin před aplikací - glazura se dokonale namočí a vzduchové bubliny se mohou uvolnit. Hustota suspenze je závislá na použití (námáčení,stříkání...) a na porozitě přežahu. Poté necháme pár hodin zaschnout. Před vložením do pece, pečlivě otřete dno výrobku. Pokud to neuděláte a glazura se bude dotýkat vypalovacího plátu, hrozí přichycení výrobku. Doporučujeme si zakoupit minimální množství (1kg) a glazuru si vyzkoušet.
Typ na zamíchaní glazury: glazuru pomalinku přisypáváme do vody dokud nebude mít hustotu smetany.
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