Dear ceramist
In the next steps, we would like to introduce our company named PROPEC s.r.o. This company was founded in 1994 as a company specializing in the supply of refractory materials and heat-resistant insulation especially for the ceramic industry.
From the original deliveries to order, the company gradually switched to small and medium-sized customers to deliveries directly from the warehouse in Úvaly, which allows it to respond immediately to customer needs. It is also gradually expanding its product range so that it can offer the widest possible range, especially for the ceramic and glass industries.
At present, the company PROPEC s.r.o. supplies: ceramic materials, liquid glazes, self-hardening, clays, engobes, lustres, powder and liquid glazes and pigments, acrylic paints, art supplies, firing products (plates for kilns of various shapes and sizes, stands, etc.), heat-resistant insulation, materials for the construction of fireplaces and tiled stoves, kilns, kilns for fussing glass, pottery rings, machines and equipment for the ceramic industry, tool etc…
Our Propec Team
Ing. Vítězslav Jankovský
Ing. Vít Jankovský
Ing. Olga Jankovská
Bc. Natali Jankovská
Šárka Hůlková
Ivana Pučelíková
Jindřich Fuchs
Ivan Rodin
David Bodiš
Víťa - majitel
Vítek - nástupce majitele
Sales team
David - orders
Jindra - warehouse manager
Our suppliers
During our existence our company has become the exclusive representative of renowned companies:
ICRA S.p.A., Itálie - vybavení pecí: pláty do pece, keramické válečky, hořákové špičky, atd…
Colorobbia, Itálie - výrobce glazur, engob, podglazurních barev, barev na 3. výpal, keramických hmot a nářadí.
BOTZ, Německo – výrobce tekutých uměleckých glazur.
AMACO, USA – tradiční výrobce glazur a barev na keramiku.
WITGERT, Německo - keramické suroviny a keramické hmoty, engoby.
CERAMICA COLLET, Španělsko - bezvýpalové i vypalovací keramické hmoty.
V. DIEZ – výrobce keramických hmot.