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GDPR and Cookies



Information on the processing of personal data

The company Propec spol. s r.o., with its registered office at Pražská 691, Úvaly 25082, as the administrator of personal data, hereby informs about the manner and scope of personal data processing by this company, including the scope of the data subject's rights related to the processing of their personal data by Propec spol. s r.o.
The company Propec spol. s r.o. processes personal data in accordance with European Union law, in particular Directive 95/46 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and with international agreements by which the Czech Republic is bound, in particular in accordance with the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data No. 108, promulgated under No. 115/2001 Coll. m. s., and in accordance with the relevant national legislation, which is in particular Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data and amending certain acts, as amended (hereinafter "ZOOU").

Purpose and scope of personal data processing:

The company Propec spol. s r.o. processes only accurate personal data obtained in accordance with the ZOOÚ, while these personal data are the company Propec spol. s r.o. collects and processes only for the specified purpose, to the extent specified below, for the duration of the contractual relationship and subsequently for three years after its termination or for a period of one year if the contract is not concluded.

Basic purposes of personal data processing by Propec spol. s r.o .:

Scope of personal data processing by Propec spol. s r.o .:

The company Propec spol. s r.o. processes personal data to the following extent:

Sources of personal data:

The company Propec spol. s r.o. obtains personal data mainly from the data subject within the negotiation of the contract, or from third parties.
The company Propec spol. s r.o. always informs the data subjects when the provision of personal data is necessary for the provision of a specific service and when, on the contrary, it is voluntary, but the provision of such personal data will facilitate mutual communication between the data subject and the Company Propec spol. s r.o. and also significantly streamline service delivery.
The company Propec spol. s r.o. it also obtains personal data from public records, from state administration bodies or on the basis of special legal regulations.

Processors and recipients:

In order to ensure the purposes described above, personal data may be provided by Propec spol. s r.o. and its employees are also processed by the Processors of Propec spol. s r.o., on the basis of personal data processing agreements concluded in accordance with the ZOOÚ.

The company Propec spol. s r.o. processes personal data manually and automatically. The protection of personal data is the company Propec spol. s r.o. technically and organizationally ensured in accordance with the ZOOÚ. The same security is required by Propec spol. s r.o. also from personal data processors.

The company Propec spol. s r.o. informs that personal data may be transferred to third parties upon legal request, which have the legal power to request the transfer of the personal data in question.

Rights of data subjects:

The data subject is entitled to request information on the processing of his personal data, the purpose of personal data processing, the scope or categories of personal data that are subject to processing, personal data sources, the nature of automated processing, processors, recipients or categories of personal data recipients. .
The company Propec spol. s r.o. provide the required information without undue delay, for a reasonable fee not exceeding the cost of providing such information.
In the event that the data subject finds or believes that the company Propec spol. s r.o. or contractual Processor of the company Propec spol. s r.o. carries out the processing of personal data which is in conflict with the protection of the data subject's private and personal life or in breach of the law, the data subject is entitled to:

GDPR Regulation

The company Propec spol. s r.o. would like to inform you that Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95 / 46 / EC (General Regulation on Personal Data Protection; hereinafter referred to as "GDPR"), which will be directly effective within the legal order of the Czech Republic. May 2018 completely reflected the new legislation on personal data protection regulated in the GDPR.


Definition of terms used:

personal data - personal data is any information concerning a designated or identifiable data subject; a data subject is considered to be designated or identifiable if the data subject can be directly or indirectly identified.
data subject - the data subject is a natural person to whom personal data relate.
controller - the administrator is any entity that determines the purpose and means of personal data processing, performs processing and is responsible for it.
processor - a processor is any entity that processes personal data in accordance with this Act on the basis of a special law or authorization by the administrator.
recipient - the recipient is any entity to which personal data are made available.
customer - the customer is a legal or natural person with whom the company Propec spol. s r.o.  has a contractual relationship.
traffic data - traffic data means any data processed for the purpose of message transmission over electronic communications networks or for its billing. In particular, these are: the calling and called number, the time of the beginning and end of the connection, the type of service provided, the price of the service provided, the type of Internet access, terminal identification, configuration data, method and volume of service use.
location data - location data means any data processed in networks or services that determine the geographical location of the telecommunications terminal equipment of the service user. In particular, it is about identifying the end point of the network to which the customer is connected.
processing of personal data - processing of personal data is any operation or set of operations that the controller or processor systematically performs with personal data, either automatically or by other means; processing of personal data means, in particular, the collection, storage, disclosure, modification or modification, retrieval, use, transmission, dissemination, publication, storage, exchange, sorting or combination, blocking and disposal.
public records - for the purposes of this document, public records are (i) a public register pursuant to Act No. 304/2013 Coll., on public registers of legal and natural persons, as amended, ie. federal register, foundation register, register of institutes, register of associations of unit owners, commercial register and register of public benefit companies; (ii) and other registers within the meaning of No. 111/2009 Coll., on basic registers, as amended.


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250 82 Úvaly

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